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New Year's Eve Grief

At this time of year, most of the focus for grievers and those supporting them falls on getting through Christmas, with very little thought going towards New Year at all. However, many of my January sessions this year were focussed on how hard my clients had found New Year, it had just completely caught them off guard as they didn't see it coming at all.

There's such a huge build up to Christmas that, painful as it is, bereaved people can plan and prepare for it, whereas New Year's isn't advtertised as much on television, we aren't bombarded with songs about it and there doesn't seem to be the same 'pressure' to participate.

For this reason, people who are struggling with their grief on NYE can feel really alone, so I wanted to write a blog to acknowledge that New Year's Grief is valid, and hard, and to share some advice on coping with it.

The article was published by the Counselling Directory and can be read by clicking here.

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and New Year, if things are feeling all a bit much, please don't hesitate to reach out for help, whether in the form of counselling or a support group.

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